Since the rise in Nigeria's 419 fraud in the 1990's, most people and businesses are skeptical about engaging in relationships involving Nigeria, or West Africa in general. However, Lagos, Nigeria is a huge metropolis, with an estimated population of 10 million inhabitants, and international business and investment is a necessary part of life here. International investment and foreign business here is extensive. Consumers and businesses have learned, and continue to learn, how to avoid the scams.
Corruption is also a way of life in Nigeria, and although authorities and law enforcement have made some progress, including some major arrests, scams and fraud continue. Avoiding Nigeria all together can mean missed opportunity for some international businesses. And avoiding all individuals from Nigeria due to the high risk of fraud, wouldn't be completely fair either.
How can a business or individual pursue a business or personal relationship with someone from Nigeria safely? The answer to that question is why the Nigeria private investigators and background check business is booming. Verifying individuals and businesses here is essential, as the risk of scams and fraud is too high, and too risky to ignore. Consumers are advised to use a professional investigation firm which is based outside of Nigeria, but one that has field investigators in Nigeria. One such firm with field investigators in Nigeria is Wymoo International, which currently has field investigators in over 100 countries worldwide. There are also some firms in the U.K. which now cover Nigeria.
Hiring a local investigator to save money is not recommended due to the widespread corruption and fraud in Nigeria and West Africa. Business and individual clients should expect to pay a fair price for a professional Nigeria background check, since any investigation in high risk zones such as Nigeria comes at a price. The verification, however, is a wise investment.
All the Best,
S. Birch
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